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' Tag Environment subsystem:
' Contributed by:
' Tom Dacon, 71062,426
' Dacon Software Consulting
' 3924 Park Place #3
' Montrose, CA 91020
' Free. Public domain.
' This posting contains
' read.me - this ASCII file
' tagenv.bas - implements the functionality
' strtok.bas - required support routine
' tagenv.mak, etc. - testbed VB project illustrating usage
' This set of routines provides support for tagged string fields
' in a VB Form or Control Tag property.
' The Tag property, under this support, consists of a string
' of keyword=value pairs, delimited by semicolons; for instance,
' the following might be a tag string:
' formname=myForm;MyName=Tom Dacon;My Full Name=Thomas A. Dacon
' You delete a string from a tagged string field by setting it
' to a null string, just like the SET command in DOS.
' Keywords and contents fields are stored in mixed case, as supplied,
' but searches for keywords are case-insensitive.
' The Application Programmer's Interface (API):
' SetFormTagString form, key$, contents$
' GetFormTagString form, key$, contents$
' SetCtlTagString control, key$, contents$
' GetCtlTagString control, key$, contents$
' Unfortunately, there have to be different routines for Forms and
' Controls, since they are represented as different data types; if
' I'd written this as a DLL I suppose I could have handled the problem
' but I didn't know how to write custom controls then.
' Imbedded blanks are OK in both the key and value fields; leading
' and trailing blanks are removed before storing the strings, so of
' course they do not appear when the string is retrieved.
' The delimiter between key and value pairs is the semicolon; so you
' have to guard yourself against using a key or value string that itself
' contains a semicolon. Or change the delimiter. Or write a better
' parser (copy me if you do).
' Double quotes around the value string are stored in the Tag property,
' but stripped before the string is returned to the caller of Get...().
' I don't remember now why I put this in, but there it is; what's a
' mother to do?
' The StrTok$() function used herein is the same one I've posted
' separately, for someone who needed to parse simple strings.